Monday, April 22, 2013

The Sun is Shining

Good evening everyone.

Today's sketch is inspired by the awesome weather we had today.

I'm also realizing that buying the notebook instead of the sketchbook may have been a mistake. Looks like I'm getting a lot of page bleed. Oh well. Live and learn.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday & Friday in 1

Hey everyone. I worked some OT last night and forgot to post my sketch. So here's my Thursday & Friday sketches.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Sketchytime

I'm super tired, so here's Asuna from Sword Art Online and a random cage fighter.

Enjoy and Good Night.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Tuesday, with a side of Trickster & Scotch.

Monday, April 15, 2013

New Week, New Blog Format

Good evening everyone.

I've been a bit inspired recently and from that inspiration, and the fact that I'm not lugging my laptop around to work every day anymore, I decided to change up my blog a bit.

A new traveler sketchbook and my cellphone will be the tools of this blog. That's right, I'm going back to pen (pencil) & paper sketching.

Anyway, thanks to Kenneth Rocafort for inspiring me to try something new.

He's a pretty awesome artist by the way. Go check out his works.

Anyway, see ya'll tomorrow.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Post-It Sketch: The Return

Good evening Internet-land.

Hope you all are having a relaxing evening. Inspired by an artist that did some female superhero redesigns lately I decided to try and give Electra more of a ninja flair.

Will try again sometime soon.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lunch Post-It Sketch

Hey everyone!

Today's posting comes via the Vanpool.

And the sketch was done on a Post-It.
