Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Making up for lost time

Well, well, well. Look who finally got back around to his blog.

That's right. I'm back for a new update everyone (who's still bothering to come by my moderately neglected corner of the internet). And this time I'm bring you three sketches of varying content.

The first is from the other weekend, and was done while my daughter was taking a nap. We had just finished watching some more Avatar (which we finished last weekend, and it was AWESOME!). So I did another sketch of Ang and Katara practicing some tai chi / water bending.

The next sketch is from yesterday and was the product of only a minute or so. I was rather busy and my sketch-break ran very short. So it is nothing more than a gesture.

And lastly, is a series of sketches I did today. I wanted to treat it more as an exercise of warm-ups. Just to keep my hand moving on the page, not getting attached to anything and keep doodling till my break was up.

I also got a request for some artwork at work, so I will probably start working on that sometime soon as well.

So on that note, I'm gonna call it a night. Hope you all dig at least one of these sketches, and I'll see you back here next time.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Mobile Update; Attempt 1

Hi there internetland. I'm using the Blogger app for tonight's post.

Thanks to a topsy/turvy day at work I didn't get a digital sketch done. But I did do some sketchbook sketching over the weekend, so here is a posting with that page. Hope y'all dig and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sketch Dump

Good evening to those of you out there who happened by my digital dojo tonight. I hope you all are well and having a splendid time in these final hours of a very beautiful Friday (here in the Pacific Northwest).

I'm very sorry to say that I didn't get my sketching or blog posting, done as originally promised this week. But I did manage to sit down with the ol' Bamboo tablet and rapidly aging stylus to do two pages of random sketches.

The first was done yesterday during my lunch break, while the second was done today during one of my regular breaks. In between working on document outlines and reading project documents.

I hope you all get a kick out of em'. There was some fun stuff here. I was particularly entertained by sketching the minotaur head on page 2.

So until next week. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bad Bad Blogger

Blast. I thought I would get more sketching done the last two days. But sadly when I sat down to update my blog all I have it the page of sketches from the other day.

These sketches were done while watching the excellent Seirei no Moribito. I'd like to say that the pencil wasn't inspired by the show, but I ended up sketching quite a few images of characters from the show. As well as one random sketch of another fighter.

I'm guessing that I'll be able to get a sketch done tomorrow.

Till then, have a good evening.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Razza Frazzin...

Ha ha!

True story for you. I got home this weekend, and had some free time to work on some sketches for the ol' blog. My plan was good.
The execution, on the other hand, was a little flawed.

I once again brought home my Bamboo tablet, and it's USB cable. However I didn't have the much needed stylus.


So I'll post some sketches done the old fashioned way, later today. I already have one page of sketches, but I want to do some more before I post any art.

See you all back here later today.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

More Troopers

Good evening once again.

My foot is really bugging me, so I'm going to make this fast before I go lay down in bed.

I decided to do some more sketch to work on the futuristic/slightly futuristic military trooper theme that I was playing around with yesterday.

I worked on a helmet design first.
Then I wanted to work more on the light body armor, and the storage that I would expect to be on the unit.
And I ended with a quick sketch of a grunt making his way through to the safe-zone with some aerial support clearing the way for him and his squad.

Hope you all dig the sketches and I hope to be back here tomorrow with another sketch.