Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Keeping the peace

Good evening everyone.

Well, once again I prove that I'm incredibly influenced by what I hear and see when it comes to my art.

I sat down with CS3 on my MacBook and my Bamboo tablet to do a really quick sketch for Tuesday and had Elton John's album Madman Across the Water (iTunes link) pumping out through my iTunes and what do you know, I drew an indian brave while the song Indian Sunset was playing.

This is hands down, my favorite Elton John album. It is moving in every possible way. Every song is solid gold. I mean, come on, the first track is Tiny Dancer. What does that say about the album when you put a song like that as the first track! Almost every album has the 'big hit' in either track 4 or 7. I don't know why. Three is the 'magic number'. But for some reason it seems that traks 4 and 7 are where you often find the golden nugget on an album. But he put Tiny Dancer right up on front street. And it's no wonder why there is some serious power in the rest of the album. The title track, Madman Across the Water is on my list of top ten songs of all time. It's sweeping, enchanting and touching. The guitar riff keeps a constant tension on the composition, but Elton's piano and vocals both soothe it and help drive the point home during the chorus. It's a spectacular song.

And Indian Sunset is absolutely marvelous. I get chills every time the 'chorus' plays. Ever time. And I've listened to this song countless times.

If you haven't listened to this album please do yourself a favor and pick it up, borrow it from a friend. Do whatever you can to listen to it. You won't regret it.

Anywho, hope you like my sketch, and I'll see you all back here tomorrow. Probably late. It's looking to be a busy day at work. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hit rewind in iTunes a few times. Good night.

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